Monday, February 13, 2012

How to be the Village

Mark and I are still working towards our home study packet. Mark's fingerprints got rejected so he has to get new ones this week and get them re-submitted this week. We also had our CPR/First Aid certification this past weekend so we are all ready for that! Next up: getting our physicals done at the end of February and then we should be able to submit our whole packet. This phase has taken us longer than we wanted it to, but we don't feel rushed or panicked that it has taken us longer--we feel at peace with taking our time.

While you wait for a TRUE update, I highly encourage you to read this blog post from someone in the blogosphere world: This lady, Jen Hatmaker has said everything I've felt in a hilarious way. We really would love for all of you to be the village for us during this time of adoption and afterwards--because really, it DOES take a village to raise a child. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this blog :)

Well, that's it for now--hope you all have a great evening!!