Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Picking the agency

Sorry that it's been a while since we've updated our blog. We took a couple of weeks off from updating people where we were at--because we didn't even really know. The last few weeks have been filled with interviewing agencies, attending informational seminars, and we even went to an adoption fair where there were about 10 agencies and all day "classes" that covered small snipets of what will be covered in the agency's educational classes.

Before tonight, we picked three agencies that we really liked, all for different reasons. Our "perfect" agency would be if we could pick the great parts about them and combine them into one agency. Unfortunately, that agency doesn't we have had to take time to pray, think, talk and figure it out. After tonight, we are 99% sure which agency we are going to work with. We went to their informational meeting tonight and fell in love with them all over again. I (Kelly) think it was exactly what I needed this evening. We are planning on driving over to their agency next week and fill out an application...and once we've been accepted for that, we will announce which agency we plan on using :)

So there you have it-it's an update, but not too much of one.