We are alive and well! We have been staying busy this summer with house cleaning, yard work, nursery preparation and getting to spend time with our family and friends.
I am sure you guys are all interested in is our adoption progress! There isn't a whole lot to tell (sort of). We are coming up on being on the waiting list for 2 months. And let me tell you--it's been a LONG two months of waiting. I am learning the art of patience and learning the art of staying busy to keep my mind off of all the waiting. Thankfully we HAVE had our book shown to several prospective birth families so the waiting hasn't been for "nothing" but waiting is HARD!!! There was one prospective birth family that made it hard. We got a phone call from our social worker saying a woman (prospective birth mom) was in labor--and for a variety of reasons was thinking of adoption for this baby. She gave birth on a Wednesday. Her and her significant other had already named this baby--so we had a name, weight/height, all of the baby's stats, etc. I knew that we were at least one family of two that our profile books were being shown...but I let myself get attached. I got things ready--we washed clothes, packed a diaper bag and did all other things baby related. I tried hard not to let my heart hope that this could be it but at the same time I couldn't help it. It's a fine balance and I'm not sure I've learned it yet. Thursday came and went and we hadn't heard anything about the family or baby. Friday came and I emailed our social worker asking for an update. Our social worker let us know that the family would like more time with the baby and would like to think more on their options. I completely get that this is their baby and until the papers are signed (if ever) that it is their baby until that moment. However, I started to view this as our child--even though we weren't anywhere close to that moment. So we had one of the longest weekends ever!! I didn't sleep much or eat much as I just wanted to know either way. I wanted to know if these parents were going to choose to parent or choose a different path for their little baby that had a name that I knew. We waited all day on Monday as well and finally got word on Tuesday that the family decided to parent. I was C.R.U.S.H.E.D!! In my HEAD, I knew that it could go either way and that the birth family had every right to make that decision. In my HEART, I wanted this to be it. I wanted this baby to be ours. I still pray for this little baby and for her parents. I pray that God is with them as they enter a new phase of parenthood and that things are going well for them. But I didn't know it would be hard for me to let go of this little baby that I hadn't met, let alone seen a picture of. I just knew her name...and kept picturing what she looked like. I felt like I had "lost" her. So I gave myself a week to grieve this little life that wasn't going to be in our life and then needed to just move on. I know that we will be okay and that this baby wasn't meant to be ours. We are on a journey of a life time and this experience has helped us grow in our adoption journey and as a couple. We are stronger than we thought we were and know we can do the same situation again if it does happen again with another family.
We are looking forward to the future and cannot wait to hope, pray and be blessed with Baby Bretl--we know he or she is out there for us!! So please continue to pray along with us as we continue on this crazy journey of adoption :) I will be hopefully posting two more blog posts this week--one on our trip to Seattle and another one yet to be decided. :)
I wish I had words to be able to adequately express my sympathy for you during this rough week and my hope and deep in my heart knowledge that God has a wonderful and perfect baby planned for your family.