Our interview #2 was a success!! Like I mentioned in the previous post, our house was probably the cleanest it has ever been!! However, our social worker only came right over and we sat at the table for the interview--all that hard work for nothing-bummer!! But it was good to get through one more step! So this interview was our one-on-one interview where we both filled out more paper work seperately and then Mark left the house for about an hour and when my portion was done, he came back and then I left for his portion. Thankfully it was a beautiful day so on the parts where we needed to leave the house, we each took our yellow lab for a walk.
The interview itself really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be-praise God!! I was so stinkin' nervous for it I couldn't sleep a couple days before it! And since Mark went second, a lot of the times when Mark would say something, C (our social worker) would say, "glad you and Kelly are on the same page" or "yes, that was what Kelly was saying too!" So it really does seem like Mark and I are in a great marriage groove and are on the same page and gave similar answers-which sounds funny, but that's actually what I was nervous about. We have been married for almost 4 years (yay!!!) but Mark isn't the best at remembering all the "facts" (bless his heart because he does listen and tries to remember) so I was really anxious that our stories would be told differently and wouldn't match up--but they did!! :)
Our next interview is on May 2nd and this is where she will be inspecting our home to make sure we have a room designated for the baby, smoke detectors, a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, and a few other things. I'm not really "nervous" for this one persay, but will still clean like a mad woman since she will be all over our house "judging" it and making sure it will be a good place for a baby to be part of our family. Thankfully I have the best friend in the whole world who will come over and help me clean the day before!! She seriously rocks!
So after our home inspection I guess we have one more interview--not sure what the 4th one will entail--I think it was something about us reading what she has written for our home study? Not sure!!
We do have a few prayer requests:
--That above all, God is glorified in this process
--Please be praying for all those affected in the adoption process (ie birth parents, adopted kiddos, adoptive parents)
-for the birth parentswho either are considering placing their child(ren) for adoption or has placed their children for adoption
-for those who have been placed for adoption or are in that place that Jesus heals the loss that takes part in adoption
-for adoptive parents in all walks of the adoption (either considering it, are in their home home study or have already adopted) that they may know that they aren't alone, adopting is hard but worth it, and that they may empower their kids to not be ashamed of being adopted
--for our social worker, C, that she is able to portray us in a truthful manner, but also with our best foot put forward and that she helps us get approved if that's what the Lord wants
--And lastly, for us. Mostly for our finances at this point as we just wrote a check for our home study that pretty much clears out our adoption savings...we are still $26,000 (and some change) short of being completely funded in our adoption. That number is mighty scary because we have no idea how that money is going to come about--and while we could totally get a loan, we would prefer not to as we are trying to get out of debt instead of into more of it so we can further the kingdom-and believe God wants us to get that money some way, some how. So prayers as we figure out creative ways to make that work and for those who would love to help us out :)
Thanks for following us on this journey we call adoption :)
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